Winton Guest House建模
- Cartesian coordinates笛卡尔坐标
- Right- and left-handed coordinate system 右手/左右坐标系
- Cuboids 长方体
- Surface and solid models 曲面和实体模型
- Extrusion 挤型
- Global and local coordinate systems 全局和局部坐标系
- Polar coordinates 极坐标系
- Cylindrical coordinates 柱面坐标
- Rotational cylinder 旋转柱面
- Snapping 对齐
- Handles 手柄
- Layers 层次
- Color, texture, and material 颜色,纹理,材质
- Sphere 球
- Spherical coordinates 球面坐标
- Geographic coordinate system 地理坐标系
- Extrusion revisited: cylinder and cone surfaces 重新挤压:柱面和锥面
- Outlook 展望:ellipse,parabola,hyperbola