Geometry for digital recontruction
- There are two general approaches to capturing physical form.
- One is the use of a tracking arm, especially suitable for capturing strings of point data from selected feature curves. 捕获挑选的特征曲线上的点云
- The other method uses a laser range scanner and results in a large number of more or less regularly distributed measurement points from the surface of the given physical model. 从曲面上获取近乎正则分散的点云
- Finally, all of these point clouds have to be merged into a single combined point cloud represented in the same coordinate system. This procedure is called registration.
Data acquisition and registration 数据获取和匹配
- Digitizer arms. The method is very well suited to capturing particular selected features of a model.
- Optical scanning devices: Near-range scanners, measure objects of a size less than a few meters.
- Medium- and long-range scanners, when the distance between scanner and object exceeds 2 meters.
- Outlier removal and noise reduction.
- Fully automatic registration and surface matching.
The polygon phase 多边形阶段
- Voronoi diagrams in the plane.
- Two-dimensional Delaunay triangulation.
- The Delaunay triangulation joins exactly those points from the input set p1,
p2, …, pN by an edge whose Voronoi cells share a common edge.
- Voronoi diagrams in three dimensions.
- Surface triangulations.
- Interactive improvements.
Hole filling requires the specification of part of the triangulation around the detected hole.
- Relaxation and smoothing.
- Mesh decimation.
Segmentation 分割
- A feature region is defined as one with a significant difference in the principal curvatures (i.e., with a small principal curvature in feature direction and a high one across the feature).
Surface fitting 曲面拟合
- plane, sphere, cone, and cylinder exhibit only simple surfaces. These shapes are not only rather easy to detect automatically but approximations of them are not difficult to compute within the detected surface class
- Freeform surface fitting.
The surfaces need to be build 需被建造的曲面
- for applications in architecture it may be better to sacrifice some accuracy and try to approximate the measurement data by a union of surface patches that can “easily” be built.
- These surfaces include ruled surfaces, developable surfaces, and other kinematically generated surfaces.
- Approximation with ruled surfaces.
- Developable surfaces.
References and further reading