《建筑几何》Chapter 19:形状自由形结构

Discrete freeform structure

Triangle meshes 三角网格

Aesthetics is greatly enhanced if the mesh can be decomposed into three families of fair polygons (structure lines).

  • six beams meeting in a node means a significantly higher node complexity compared to other types of meshes.
  • the per-area cost of triangular glass panels is higher than that of quadrilateral panels.
  • one aims at less steel, more glass, and less weight, which also points to non-triangular faces.
  • triangle meshes in general torsion-free nodes do not exist.
  • triangle meshes do not possess offsets at constant face-face or edge-edge distance.

Quadrilateral meshes with palnar faces 具有平面面的四边网格

  • Rotational PQ mesh.
  • Conjugate curve networks.
    Pick a curve c in the network and compute in each of its points the tangent to the curve from the other family. Then, these tangents must form a developable ruled surface.
    A network of curves resulting by translation is another simple example of a conjugate curve network.
    It carries infinitely many conjugate curve networks!
  • Hyperbolic paraboloid.
  • Principal curvature lines.
    curve network that is conjugate and orthogonal.
  • Planar quad meshes are discrete versions of conjugate curve networks.
  • A planarization algorithm.
    if the input mesh has been extracted from a conjugate curve network chances are high that the optimization will not get stuck in an undesirable solution and thus may yield a practically useful result
  • Combination of subdivision and planarization as a design tool.

Parallel meshes, offsets, and supporting beam layout 平行网格,等距面,支撑梁柱结构

  • We call two meshes M, M* parallel if there is a one-to-one correspondence among their vertices, edges, and faces (such meshes are called combinatorially equivalent) and if corresponding edges are parallel.
  • any mesh parallel to a PQ mesh is also a PQ mesh.
  • Requiring that the node axes be roughly orthogonal to the underlying design surface implies that the mesh M has planar or spherical shape. For a general freeform triangle mesh M, there is no chance to construct a practically useful support structure with torsion-free nodes.

Offset meshes 等距网格

  • Offset surfaces revisited.
    Note that the normals of F are normals of F d as well
    The tangent planes at corresponding points of F and F d are parallel and at constant distance d.
  • PQ meshes with exact offsets.
    An offset mesh Md of a PQ mesh M is parallel to M and lies at constant distance d to M.
  • Vertex offsets: The distance of corresponding vertices of M and Md has a constant value d, which does not depend on the vertex.
    Md is a vertex offset of M if and only if the vertices of the Gaussian image mesh S are contained in the unit sphere S*. In this case, M and Md are circular meshes (i.e., each face has a circum-circle).
  • Edge offsets: The distance of corresponding parallel edges of M and Md (actually, lines that carry these edges) does not depend on the edge and equals d.
    Md is an edge offset of M exactly if the edges of the Gaussian image mesh S are tangent to the unit sphere S*.
  • Face offsets: The distance of corresponding faces of M and Md (actually, the parallel planes of corresponding faces) is independent of the face and equals d.
    Md is a face offset of M if and only if the faces of the Gaussian image mesh S are tangent to the unit sphere S*. In this case, M and Md are conical meshes. cone condition at a vertex: The sum of opposite edge angles must be equal: $ω_1 + ω_3 = ω_2 +ω_4.$
    This angle balance condition may also be seen as a discrete condition for orthogonality of the two mesh polygons passing through a vertex.
    Because conical meshes are orthogonal and conjugate in a discrete sense, conical meshes are a discrete version of the network of principal curvature lines on a smooth surface.

Optimal discrete surfaces 最优离散曲面

  • Koebe meshes S introduced in connection with edge offsets are the basis of an elegant construction of discrete minimal surfaces.
  • The Christoffel dual: static equilibrium of diagonal meshes. M the Christoffel dual of S.
  • Beyond quad meshes.

Future research

References and further reading